It’s one of the great pleasures in life, finding a filthy-minded young woman willing to dress up and fulfil your naughtiest fantasies. Girls like that are hard to find but when you do discover one then you should keep her! This saucy girlfriend has dressed up as a naughty nurse for a fun game of “Doctors and Nurses”, her nurses outfit even comes complete with easy access to her delicious boobs!
See even more naughty amateurs at RUDE DARES!
Ladies, if a bf or lover asks you to put on a naughty nurse outfit OR a sexy schoolgirl outfit, would you do it for him?
See me and my boyfriend [we’re 19 and 21], and in a little argument and I want to do something to surprise him to make him forget about our argument that we have had. I know that this sounds like angry sex/make up sex. Which it kinda is, but I want to give him something that he wont forget. I have a naughty nurse outfit, but he already knows about it. I want to do something that will make him go crazy with desire. PLEASE HELP!
im going to role play a naughty nurse for my bf and i wanted to know how to make it more pervvy
ive tried these sexy games:
the naughty nurse of course
the domineering teacher
the stripper
the innocent catholic school girl
the cheerleader
the unfaithful wife
the girl who is home alone and a burglar breaks in
so what else can i do? give me some sexy ideas guys?
My boyfriend said he wants me to be his naughty nurse. Haha. What was he trying to say?
What are some common sexual role-plays that I could make totally normal, just to mess around with my husband?
So far I have a “naughty nurse”- I come out in scrubs, take his blood pressure and stats, and then leave for a half hour while he waits for the doctor
and a “maid”- he comes home to find me in….a polo, khaki pants, vacuuming.
Can you think of any other ridiculous things like these that play off of a common dress-up?
I always wanted to dress up as a French Maid, Naughty Nurse, etc for my man and suprise him when he walks through the door. I love fishnet, stockings, and slutty high heels.
My boyfriend wants me to dress up as a naughty nurse, but my best guy friends wants to see me in it too….what should I do??
We both like to sexually tease each other through texts and pics. She’s a nursing student so we have this naughty nurse/unruly patient fantasy going. I’m trying to think of an idea for a provocative pic of me to text her along the lines of a nursing or unruly patient theme. Any ideas?
Sexiest? a french maid? sexy devil? pirate? naughty nurse?
i’ve bought a naughty nurse outfit to spice up the bedroom life a little, but dont know how to pull it off? what sort of things do i say, keeping in mind that i’m a little shy and not usually very vocal. Sayings like “time for an oral exam” or “looks like ur temp is rising” and suggestions like that would be useful! Any ideas on sayings or actions?!
I just bought a naughty nurse outfit, haven’t tried it out yet. Do guys think thats stupid or will it be a big turn on??