I think it’s fair to say that my wife and I have a varied sex life, we are always looking at ways to spice things up. One of the things my wife really enjoys is bondage, it’s one of her major turn-on’s to be held in bondage while I use her. I thought it would be fun to try a bit of bondage outdoors as, although, of cause we’ve had sex outdoors, we’d never tired bondage outside so we decided to give it a go. We found what we thought was the perfect place miles from anywhere where we started our game. I stripped her naked then tied her hands to a tree – she could wriggle around a bit but it was the best I could do, I was just about to start fingering her when, in the distance she spotted a couple of walkers. She begged me to untie her quickly before they got too close but the devil arose in me – wouldn’t it be more fun to leave her naked and tied up in public, wouldn’t it be exciting to have those guys see her helpless and naked? Yes, I thought, it would!
It turned out the two guys were good sports and just walked pass as if seeing a bound naked woman in public was pretty normal, although they did give her a good look over. My wife was so embarrassed as she stood in front of those walkers, naked and totally unable to cover herself.
Eventually the men disappeared into the distance and I let her down while she uttered every expletive possible in my direction but she must have enjoyed it herself as she fucked me harder than she had ever done before right there and then without even bothering to put any clothes back on!
See what the exhibitionists do at RUDE DARES!