Start as you mean to go on!

Start as you mean to go on!

I’m a bit of an old-fashioned guy, I still believe that men should be men and women should respect that so when I married my wife, I started laying down the ground rules right away and the first thing I told her to do once we got back to our hotel room after the service  (and before getting changed for the party later) was to suck off my best man. He’d done a sterling job and I felt he needed rewarding, anyway he’s my best man for a reason and has been by my side through thick and thin so I felt it only right that he should have a special treat and getting sucked off by my new wife seemed like the perfect gift for his hard work. My new wife was rather shocked at my demand but I insisted she go through with it – I even made sure that she swallowed every last drop of his spunk, I didn’t want any getting on her wedding dress!
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