Tied up and humiliated in public
I discovered that my whore of a girlfriend had been cheating on me … with by best friend! The fucking bitch! Well, I was going to get my revenge on the slut and it would be devastating! I didn’t let on that I knew about her infidelity and pretended that everything was cool between us, for days I did this, the strain was hard but I knew it would all be worth it if my plan worked. After a couple of days, I brought up the subject of her pervvy fantasies, knowing that she would mention again that she really likes the idea of playing bondage games outdoors and once she mentioned it, I suggested we go for a little drive to play it out! She was a bit shocked but also excited, normally she isn’t one to actually act out her fantasies but I was insistent. I drove to a spot that I’d thought of in advance – unbeknown to her the area I took her to looks deserted but I knew that just over the hill was a large housing estate.

After a bit of fooling around in the car, I suggested that we enact her fantasy so we got out and I stripped her naked then tied her to the branches of the trees, she was helpless and really enjoying herself – she was really, REALLY wet! After having a play on her tits and fingering her pussy till she we red in the face, I casually mentioned that I knew she had been cheating on me – the look on her face! – I then said that I was leaving now and that I never wanted to see her again and walked off, leaving her still totally naked in public, tied up and utterly helpless. As I walked away, I looked back and took this final photo of her, she suddenly realised just how close she was to habitation and panic was setting in as she could hear people in the distance. I didn’t care, I got into my car and drove off, for all I know, she is still tied to the tree and is being used every 5 minutes as a sex toy by every passing dog walker, they could be queuing up right now to have a go on her … and I couldn’t care less.
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Public Nudity
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